Posts tagged Greater Birmingham Humane Society
#GivingTuesday - Jennifer Gowers

I think she might be the hardest working person in the entire event industry.  She (and her team, as she will quickly point out) manage multiple venues while being a huge advocate of Birmingham.  It is not uncommon for Jennifer Gowers of GoPro Event Solutions to go home at 2 in the early morning and be back at it by 6:00 a.m. 

In between all of that, Jennifer is constantly volunteering her services for a wide range of missions.  From finding homes for dogs (including serving with the Greater Birmingham Humane Society) to helping with the homeless in Birmingham (working with the Jimmie Hale Mission and countless others), she works tirelessly 7 days a week.  

She is the current board chair for Pathways, which is a Birmingham organization that serves homeless woman and children. Not only do the people at Pathways give these women a place to live, but also teach them life skills so they can transition into other housing. It really is a one of a kind organization.  

Remember how the purpose of this blog series was about #GivingTuesday being #GivingEveryday?  Well, she is a wonderful example of that.  Hats off to you, lady!

Main Street Productions will become Cinepear in January 2016.